Annual Health Requirements
Enrolled families are required to update their child’s health requirements annually. This page provides directions for this process.
Please read each item carefully to determine what is needed for your child to prevent having to take multiple trips to your child’s physician to have additional forms completed.
All required forms can be downloaded below. To download, click on the form title. All forms must be signed and stamped by your child’s physician.
Note: We require these specific forms. Alternate forms will not be accepted.
Health Assessment: All enrolled families are required to provide a physician signed and stamped health assessment for their child annually. Please ensure that the sections for TB Skin Test and Lead Testing are not left blank. A TB skin test/screening is required every other year. For the TB Skin Test, the physician must write the results of the TB Skin test or write screened and the date. N/A is not acceptable. Leaving that section is not acceptable.
The lead testing form : This form is required each year. Even if the parents complete Box B (indicating no need for a lead test), the form must still complete the physician section at the bottom of the page.
Immunizations : All enrolled families are required to provide an updated immunization record annually. State required immunizations can be found here . While the state recommended form is provided here, your doctor may either complete this form or provide a computer-generated record of your child’s current immunizations.
Medication Form: GCDC only administers emergent medications (e.g. EpiPens, inhalers, Benadryl, etc). If your child has a medical condition that requires rescue/life saving medication, a medication form is required for each mediation maintained at GCDC.
Allergy Action Plan: Children with food allergies must have an Allergy Action Plan on file at GCDC. It is likely that if your child has a food allergy, a form of rescue medication will prescribed. A form is required for each medication (eg. Benadryl or EpiPens) kept at school. Please ensure that your child’s physician completes a medication form as well.
Asthma Action Plan: Children diagnosed with asthma are required to have an Asthma Action Plan on file. It is likely that if your child has asthma, a form of rescue medication will be prescribed. A medication form is required for inhalers kept at school. Please ensure that your child’s physician completes a medication form as well.
Seizure Medication Form: Children diagnosed with seizures are required to have this form completed by this physician. It is likely that if your child is prone to seizures, a form of rescue medication will be prescribed. A medication form is required for inhalers kept at school. Please ensure that your child’s physician completes a medication form as well.